L6 Improvement Leader

The Standard and Assessment plan for the L6 Improvement Leader may be found on the IFATE website at:-


In summary, the End Point Assessment for this standard consists of two elements as follows: –

  1. A Professional Discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence. The duration of this element is between 120 and 140 minutes. In addition to evidence covering the stated KSB’s for the standard, the portfolio MUST also include evidence relating to the preparation and delivery of a training session
  2. A Dissertation (the main body of which must be between 4500 and 5000 words), Presentation and Questioning. The presentation must outline the focus of the dissertation, approach, outcomes and evaluation and should last between 45 to 50 minutes, followed by questioning by the assessor to last between 35 to 40 minutes.

Both parts must be passed in order to gain a pass grade overall. Grading of the Apprenticeship is Pass, Merit or Distinction, the overall grade being determined by the combination of grades awarded for each element, i.e. Apprentices will be awarded an overall merit where they achieve a merit or higher in both assessment methods or a distinction and pass. In order to get a distinction apprentices must get a distinction in both assessment methods.

Note also that for both elements, attendance by a technical expert from the Employer is required, whose role is to provide the assessor with clarifications around specific company policy and procedure or technical knowledge only.