The Standard and Assessment plan for the L4 Quality Practitioner may be found on the IFATE website at:-
In summary, the End Point Assessment for this standard consists of two elements as follows: –
- A Work based project with presentation and questions and answers. The duration of this element is 60 minutes plus/minus 10% at assessors discretion.
- Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence. Again, the duration of this element is 60 minutes plus/minus 10% at assessors discretion.
Both parts must be passed in order to gain a pass grade overall. Grading of the Apprenticeship is Pass, Merit or Distinction, the overall grade being determined by the combination of grades awarded for each element, i.e. Apprentices will be awarded an overall merit where they achieve a merit or higher in both assessment methods or a distinction and pass. In order to get a distinction apprentices must get a distinction in both assessment methods.